.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

Bitch-fest 2004 ver.1
01.06.04 || 2:09 pm

Here I am at my job. Sort-of job, not really a job, considering I hate it. More like Hell. It's definatly Hell. I absolutely HATE Fran. She's a total fucking flake, brainless twit. She's a dense bitch who I absolutely cannot stand. I cannot stand her. I cannot.

Ugh! I hate it here. Today is my 6th day. AND I HATE IT. Does this mean anything perhaps?? Maybe that I shouldn't fucking be here? Perhaps?? PERHAPS?? YES!!! OH MY GOD. She's shouting across the trailer and I hate her voice! GRRRRRRRR! FUCK FUCK FUCK.

seriously, i think that my head is going to explode. explode into a million pieces. Office team needs to get someone else out here, because this just isn't going to work for me, at all. No way, no how. Someone else is going to have to be here and put up with all the shit that is going down. There is the girl I am probably here to replace, (that's a HUGE probably), named Linda, the thing is, she's the best damn worker out of all three of them and I think that the other two need to be replaced. Oh, yeah. They were emailing back and forth about what is bothering them and such and Cassie (Pronounced CASEY) said that I was getting on her nerves. This because they won't shut up and keep talking about everything all the damn time and it's really pissing me off. They gossip all fucking day and then talk about people behind their backs. did they ever start to think that maybe they are the ones who have the problem???

I seriously do not understand people, their thinking, their actions. I want to leave RIGHT NOW. I do not want to stay. I want to write a letter to Gerald and tell him why I left and why I will not be returning. He can sign my god damned timesheet and turn it in. UGH!

I wish I got to leave at 3pm. No, 230pm, no right now. I want to get out of work at 2:17pm. Because this is what I want to do.

yeah, this is a huge bitch-fest, so I'm going to now bitch about how cold my feet are. They are horribly cold, it's cold in this god damned trailer. and this place is really cramping my style. I have never hated something so much in my life. I need to find another job, I don't care if it is 11 dollars an hour. I HATE IT.

Everyone here is a total bitchy fest. They complain about everything, and if you couldn't tell, it's very catchy. Fran last week was talking about how she was not going to drink new years eve because it's "against her religion" and i wanted to say, oh, while you're at it, maybe you should quit GOSSIPING, because I hear that's supposed to be against your religion as well. Hmm?? hMM??? FUck face!

Hearing: nada
Feeling: pissed
Stressing: continue to waste time

past | present

Moving On.... Again! - 12.01.04

2004 Review - 12.28.05

Happy December Everyone - 12.01.04

PS Cunt Teacher - 11.29.04

Fucking Bitch Teacher - 11.29.04

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