.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

An Adult, Finally
02.02.04 || 10:38 pm

this is really going to sound like a pussy entry. (as in Me, being a pussy)The reason I say that is because I had to discuss something with my significant other tonight, something that we've discussed before, well, not discussed, but fought about. Porn.

I found out that all the while, that he says he hasn't been looking at porn, he has. Not often, and not bad sites, normal, guy stuff, which is why I am not so pissed off.

What was great about tonight was that I was able to go over there, we were able to talk about it like adults, and there were no harsh words, no nasty fight, no nothing bad. He and I talked about it, and it was and is resolved. It really was quite great.

In other issues, tonight after school i fell down walking/running to my car. I was walking in my pink converse (which have no traction) when I decided I was going to run a little ways to my car since it was raining... well.. as soon as I thought that, my feet said no, and threw me really hard on the ground. I messed my left knee and i ripped a hole in my favorite jeans. :(

Then, andrea is leaving, to go home and then she's going back to Chicago to AI, which I think is a great, fantastic idea. She is so talented and creative.

My mom turned 42 today. Fun stuff. We will be 20 years apart until 8/31 when I turn 23 and then we'll be 19 years apart. I called her phone and sang happy birthday into her voicemail real dramatic like. haha.

Um.. grandparents are maybe going out of town, so Nathan is going to come and stay with me.

Tomorrow I start my new job as a Social Work Assistant! Go Me Go.

What else? Not much that I can think of currently. Andrea and I were supposed to go hang out with Ben and Spencer last night, didn't happen. I felt bad about it, but I was ill and such things cannot be avoided.

Need to find a second part time job. :: sigh ::

What am I to do?

I had a hit on my diary today from Sinclair........ strange..... if you are from Sinclair, leave me a message or something! :)


Hearing: Hum of the Fan, Clicking of the keys
Feeling: TIred/Knee Pain
Stressing: Going to go to bed.... gotta work tomorrow.

past | present

Moving On.... Again! - 12.01.04

2004 Review - 12.28.05

Happy December Everyone - 12.01.04

PS Cunt Teacher - 11.29.04

Fucking Bitch Teacher - 11.29.04

maystar * designs