.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

The Boring Hours
11.03.03 || 10:28 pm

my body is seriously pissing me off. I've been breaking out in these god damn huge fucking zits all week.. I keep washing with my facial wash... I keep cleaning.. not touching.. not picking.. and they WILL NOT go away!!!!!

I feel like i'm 14 again!!! Damn! I swear.

Tonight I watched The Hours by myself.. for school.. I am currently not a fan. by no means.

and nathan broke off another little bit of my heart tonight.... four thousand down.... five more to go.....

Hearing: none
Feeling: tired
Stressing: go to bed-->tomorrow start issues paper and do the hours paper for psychosocial.

past | present

Moving On.... Again! - 12.01.04

2004 Review - 12.28.05

Happy December Everyone - 12.01.04

PS Cunt Teacher - 11.29.04

Fucking Bitch Teacher - 11.29.04

maystar * designs