.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

Georgia Man Dead
01.09.04 || 11:55 am

I just found out that the feds eventually caught up with that guy from Georgia who was running with kidnapped little girls. Thank God! I actually prayed for them yesterday while I was at school. I thought for sure that they were dead.

:: sigh ::

Thank God. Thank God.

Poor kids, could you imagine? I know I can't. Wow.

Good thing he killed himself, because those guys in the slammer woulda done it for him. Considering he STRANGLED at 10 MONTH old baby! And killed everyone else in the household methodically. What a piece of shit he was.. that's for sure.

Thank goodness those three little girls were not hurt, a lot of emotional trama, but no physical.

Feeling: Relieved

past | present

Moving On.... Again! - 12.01.04

2004 Review - 12.28.05

Happy December Everyone - 12.01.04

PS Cunt Teacher - 11.29.04

Fucking Bitch Teacher - 11.29.04

maystar * designs