.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

Knock On Wood
12.18.03 || 2:04 am

I am sitting here, at 1:46 AM, on Thursday, December 18th, and I'm contemplating the meaning of my pathetic small life. I am a mother to Sydney, a friend and significant other to Nathan, a daughter, grand daughter, sister, friend. But what am I to me?? I don't respect my body, my brain, my general well being.

It's time that I take time for me. I need to make time for me. I need to work on these important things.

These things are important, for they help shape and mold my future.

Stand back world, here comes a new and improving Erika.

Hearing: Evanescence - Imaginary
Feeling: contemplative

past | present

Moving On.... Again! - 12.01.04

2004 Review - 12.28.05

Happy December Everyone - 12.01.04

PS Cunt Teacher - 11.29.04

Fucking Bitch Teacher - 11.29.04

maystar * designs